"Welcome to the Maa Bhuvaneshwari Devi Foundation, where all of our actions are guided by our dedication to upholding and spreading the ageless teachings of Sanatan Dharma. We are committed to upholding the profound wisdom and values that have benefitted humanity for ages, with a focus on spiritual growth, cultural preservation, and community empowerment. Come together with us as we work to create a society in which the teachings of Sanatan Dharma inspire good deeds, enlighten hearts, and feed minds. Let's work together to establish a peaceful community based on the enduring values of this historic custom."


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1574/sector 4, urban estate, kurukshetra, haryana, india

Care of the Environment

Promoting eco-friendly practices and emphasizing the importance of environmental preservation in alignment with the spiritual values of Sanatan Dharma.

Social Service

To engage in charitable and humanitarian activities, such as providing assistance to the underprivileged, disaster relief, and supporting social causes.

We Educate

The goal of this organization is to raise people’s awareness to the level of “sanatan dharma.”
bringing people together and educating them about the importance of leading a life focused around dharma in Hinduism

Promotion of Values

To promote ethical and moral values as taught in Sanatan Dharma, encouraging individuals to lead a virtuous and principled life.

Registered as not-for-profit, non-political public religious and charitable trust, under section 8 of the companies act 2013
"Sanatan Dharma: The Path to Peace and Purpose." where Dharma for Life: Nourishing Mind, Body, and Soul.

Our Services

Cultural & Religious Events

Celebrating religious events to bring the community together and share culture and spirituality with a wider audience.


Providing support and assistance to individuals and families during times of personal crisis, grief, or loss, based on the principles of compassion and service.

Promotion of Values

Promoting ethical and moral values as taught in Sanatan Dharma and encouraging individuals to lead a virtuous and principled life.

24/7 Special

To provide services related to the performance of post-death last rites and rituals, to establish funeral homes for the provision of services of funeral

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Create programs tailored to the younger generation to instill values, ethics, and practices from Sanatan Dharma, ensuring its continuity and relevance in modern times.

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Collaborate with international organizations, institutions, and spiritual leaders to spread the message of peace, unity, and spiritual growth inherent in Sanatan Dharma across borders.

Emphasize the importance of environmental stewardship and sustainability, drawing upon the ancient Vedic teachings that highlight the interconnectedness of all life forms and the environment.


Its main objective is to spread awareness of Sanatan Dharma in society and to organize different programs with the help of appropriate persons to spread awareness among people of the society regarding Sanatan Dharam.

Promoting Awareness
Cultural Preservation
Educational Initiatives
Humanitarian and Social Initiative